Posted on: June 22, 2023 Posted by: Russell Turman Comments: 0

Like people, pets are also vulnerable to lower urinary tract conditions, like infections or diseases of the bladder, urethra, and prostate. Unfortunately, urinary tract symptoms may also be related to bladder stones or cancer. Conditions like this can make your companion lethargic or unable to hold their urine. If humans feel painful sensations when experiencing UTI, so do our pets.

So if you assume your canine has a urinary tract infection, we’ve gathered major symptoms you must keep an eye out for so you can take appropriate actions proactively.

Symptoms of Dog UTI

Sometimes it’s challenging to know whether your dog is in pain, as sometimes they don’t reveal any signs. However, some symptoms can help determine if your pet has urinary tract problems.

Below are five common indicators of dog UTI you should know about:

1. Changes in Urination Habits

As fur parents, we are aware of our pet’s urination routines and the areas where they usually do their business. This attention to detail is more than just showing our love for our pets, as it can also help the vet diagnose a condition before it worsens. Changes in a dog’s elimination habits might appear like a behavioral issue, but they could also be a sign of serious health conditions such as UTIs.

2. Bloody Urine

Blood is among the most alarming signs of canine UTI. So if you see blood in your pet’s urine, contact the vet quickly. Although this is a sign of UTI, it might also point to the following conditions:

  • Poisoning
  • Cancer
  • Trauma
  • Kidney disease
  • Urinary tract stones

Despite the condition, bloody urine is not something you should disregard, especially if your dog is in its golden years. See a geriatric veterinarian right away to inspect your pet’s conditions and treat them immediately.

3. Straining When Urinating

Does your pet whine or strain in pain when urinating? If it appears that they are struggling or whimpering when they urinate, UTI is likely the culprit. Take your companion to the nearest veterinary laboratory center to diagnose and treat their condition. You may click here to see their diagnostic services.

4. Frequent Urination

Excessive urination in dogs is one of the earliest signs of urinary tract infection. Increased urination might originate from drinking more water but might also indicate underlying conditions. If you notice you’re opening the door more often to let your dog out so they can urinate, UTI might be the cause.

Although older canines are often affected by this disease, younger pups can also be susceptible, with females being more vulnerable than males. Aside from being consistent with your young pet’s vaccinations and other preventative treatments, it’s also important to monitor symptoms of common conditions like UTIs. Taking your pet to an animal hospital in Doraville, GA, upon seeing suspicious signs can help extend their lifespan and improve their overall quality of life.

5. Increased Thirst

If it’s summertime, it may be hard to tell if your pet is drinking too much water. But if you’re filling their water bowl more often than usual, this is when you should be suspicious that something is not right. UTI might be the root cause of your dog’s extreme thirst.

Final Words

If you see symptoms of UTI in your pet, do not wait until it exacerbates. Whether your pet’s symptoms are just a UTI, a minor, or a severe condition, it’s essential to find out so you can act immediately. See a trustworthy vet immediately to take care of your pet’s situation and get them back to full health.