Posted on: August 20, 2023 Posted by: Russell Turman Comments: 0

Heading off on vacation or a business trip often means leaving our furry friends in the care of a boarding facility. While it provides peace of mind knowing a trusted caregiver is looking after them, it’s essential to be aware of potential issues that might arise when your pet returns home.

In this article, we’ll outline some common issues your pet may face after boarding and how to help them adjust to their routine. Whether your pet is an experienced boarder or this is their first time, being prepared will make the transition smoother for both of you.

Pet Behavior Changes After Boarding

It’s not unusual for pets to act differently after spending time in a new environment like a boarding facility. Stress and anxiety can contribute to these altered behaviors, and giving your pet time to readjust to their home and routine is essential.

In cases where you may seek facilities that offer dog boarding in Huntsville, AL, they can provide excellent care for your pet, ensuring their needs are met in your absence. Understanding what to expect when your companion returns home will help you monitor any unusual behavior or changes in their well-being.

Appetite Changes

After their stay at a boarding facility, your pet might seem excessively hungry or uninterested in food. This can be attributed to the unfamiliar environment and separation stress. However, it is crucial to monitor their appetite and consult your vet if the change persists beyond a few days.

Stomach Issues

Many pet owners notice their pets experiencing stomach issues, such as upset stomachs and loose bowel movements, after returning from a boarding facility. This could be due to colitis, a condition commonly triggered by stress or excitement. If your pet’s stomach issues persist, don’t hesitate to consult your veterinarian for advice.

In some cases, a visit to the vet might reveal the need for veterinary surgery. Your veterinarian will provide all the information you need, including details of the procedure and aftercare. A trusted vet will also have their website available, offering further resources and guidance.

Increased Sleep or Lethargy

Returning home from boarding, your pet might seem more tired or sleepy than usual. This is because the boarding facility’s staff make considerable efforts to keep your pet active and engaged during their stay. Keep a close eye on your pet, however, as lethargy might sometimes indicate an underlying health issue that needs addressing.

Excessive Thirst

Pets often drink less while boarding due to unfamiliar surroundings. Upon returning home, they may consume more water to compensate for this. While it’s usually nothing to worry about, consult your veterinarian if excessive thirst continues for several days, as it might be a symptom of an underlying condition like diabetes.

Addressing Pet Separation Anxiety

It’s common for pets to experience separation anxiety after a boarding stay, leading them to become clingy and anxious when you’re out of sight. Helping your pet readjust to their normal life and routine will gradually alleviate this anxiety. If the problem persists, consider consulting a professional for guidance and advice.

Pet Vaccinations and Boarding Facilities

It’s important to note that reputable boarding facilities prioritize maintaining a healthy environment, including ensuring all pets are up to date with vaccinations for cats and dogs. Staying informed about necessary vaccinations will help you understand the boarding facility’s requirements and give you peace of mind that your pet is safe throughout their stay.

To End

Bringing your pet home after a stay at a boarding facility might come with a few adjustments and concerns. By understanding the potential issues and monitoring your pet’s behavior and health, you’ll be better equipped to support them through this transition. Remember to consult your veterinarian if any problems persist or worsen, and focus on helping your furry friend return to their regular routine as soon as possible.